February 11, 2002
Ann Cavoukian's powerpoint presentation is now available
Click here to watch Ann's presentation
In her talk Ann Cavoukian, Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner, will discuss the tragic events of September 11 and how that has affected many people's perspective on privacy. She will discuss the need for balance between the demands of public safety and need to respect the privacy of rights of citizens. The talk will also discuss the implications of recent anti-terrorism legislation in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere. The presentation will define "privacy", discuss the basis of privacy, which is fair information practices, and illustrate where these practices have been codified into law around the world. The presentation will then discuss the hype and reality of e-commerce and examine reasons why it has fallen short of expectations. The last section of the presentation examines the role that technology can play in protecting privacy.
Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as a leading authority on privacy and data protection. She was appointed Information and Privacy Commissioner in May of 1997. As Commissioner, Ann oversees the operations of Ontario's freedom of information and privacy laws, which apply to both provincial and municipal governments. She serves as an officer of the legislature, independent of the government of the day.
Ann joined the Information and Privacy Commission in 1987, during its start-up phase, as its first Director of Compliance. She was appointed Assistant Commissioner in 1990. Prior to her work at the Commission, Ann headed the Research Services Branch of the Ministry of the Attorney General, where she was responsible for conducting research on the administration of civil and criminal law. Ann received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Toronto, where she specialized in criminology and law, and lectured on psychology and the criminal justice system.
Ann sits on a number of committees involved in privacy and technology, including the W3C's committee of experts working on P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences). She also served as a member of the American Task Force on Privacy, Technology and Criminal Justice Information.
Ann is frequently called upon to speak at leading forums around the world on the importance of privacy. Her published works include a book on privacy called, Who Knows: Safeguarding Your Privacy in a Networked World (McGraw-Hill), as well as numerous articles and chapters in international publications. Ann is particularly interested in advancing privacy protection through the pursuit of privacy-enhancing technologies.