December 3, 2001
6pm - 7,30pm
140 St. George, Room 205
Both in Canada and internationally, governments are proposing massive spending on deployment of technologies like digital identity smart cards, facial recognition detectors, eye scanners and closed circuit televisions. The rationale has been that these technologies will inhibit terrorism. Social critics suggest that there is little to no evidence to support such a claim and that quite the contrary, these technologies may only compromise citizens' privacy rights while doing little to address terrorism.
To better participate in the debate around technology, terrorism and privacy, we invite you to the Privacy Lecture Series panel
"Smart Cards and Biometrics: An Appropriate Answer to Terrorism?"
A panel of leading experts in these technologies will explain in plain language how the technologies work, what they were designed to do, what their limits are and what policies need to be in developed in any deployment.This panel was developed in collaboration with PC3 Village and Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI).
The panel webcast is now available!! Click to watch Part 1 and Part 2
Panel moderator:
monica m.c. schraefel, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto.
Panel participants:
Andrew Clement, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto
Kelly Gotlieb, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science, University of Toronto
Peter Hope-Tindall, Privacy Architect, dataPrivacy Partners
George Tomko, Chairman, Photonics Research Ontario, Ontario Center of Excellence
Dr. Andrew Clement is a Professor in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto, and holds a status position in the Department of Computer Science. He has recently become the Director of the Collaborative Program in Knowledge Media Design.
His research and teaching interests are in the social implications of information technology and the participatory design of information systems. Currently, his research focuses on information policy development and in particular on the development of smart card identification schemes and community oriented internet access initiatives. He coordinates the Information Policy Research Program (see http://www.fis.utoronto.ca/research/iprp/ ).
Dr. Clement has also written papers and co-edited books in such areas as computer-supported cooperative work; participatory design; workplace surveillance; privacy; women, work and computerization; end-user computing;and the 'information society' more generally.
Andrew is the Canadian representative to the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) technical committee on Computers and their Relation to Society (TC9), as well as a long standing member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR). Under the auspices of CPSR has has recently co-authored National Identification Schemes (NIDS) and the Fight against Terrorism: Frequently Asked Questions (see: http://www.cpsr.org/).
Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb has been called the "Father of Computing" in Canada. He received his MA in 1944 and his PhD in 1947 from the University of Toronto. In 1948, he was part of the first team in Canada assembled to design and construct digital computers and to provide computing services. In that year, he co-founded the original Computation Centre at the University of Toronto. He established the first university credit course on computing in Canada in 1950, and offered the first Canadian graduate courses in computing in 1951. In 1964, he founded the first graduate department of Computer Science in Canada, at the University of Toronto.
Professor Gotlieb has over a hundred publications in many areas of Computer Science and Information Processing, and has co-authored four books: "High Speed Data Processing", "Social Issues in Computing", "Data Types and Structures", and "The Economics of Computers".
Professor Gotlieb is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. He received honorary DMath and DEng degrees from the University of Waterloo and the Technical University of Nova Scotia respectively. In 1994, he was awarded the Isaac L. Auerbach Medal by the International Federation of Information Processing Societies, and in 1996 the Order of Canada award. He is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto.
Peter Hope-Tindall is the Chief Privacy Architect (dataPrivacy Partners Ltd.)
Mr. Hope-Tindall is Technical Director and Chief privacy Architect of dataPrivacy Partners Ltd., one of Canada's leading privacy consulting firms. Formerly, he was special advisor to the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario for biometrics and cryptography where he conducted privacy audits and assessments and monitored the development of large government systems having a significant privacy component. Mr. Hope- Tindall also represented the province of Ontario at Industry Canada's 1998 encryption policy roundtable from which the template for Canada's National Encryption Policy arose.
Mr. Hope-Tindall is presently providing Privacy Architect services to the Ontario Smart Card Project. His personal URL is <http://www.hope-tindall.com/peter>.
George Tomko is Chairman of Photonics Research Ontario, an Ontario Center of Excellence comprising researchers from Ontario universities and research institutes with the mandate to develop optical and photon based technologies. Dr. Tomko founded Mytec Technologies, Inc. in 1987 where he invented the privacy enhancing technology of Biometric Encryption. He served as President and CEO until September, 1996 and Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer until December, 1997.
Prior to founding Mytec, Dr.Tomko was a co-founder of Counterforce, Inc.; Vice-President and General Manager of Chubb Security Systems; and a researcher-lecturer at the University of Toronto. He also served in the Canadian Armed Forces (Royal Canadian Navy) for ten years, attaining the rank of Captain. Dr. Tomko has a B.A.Sc. in engineering physics, a M.A.Sc. in electrical engineering, and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Toronto.