Practical Problems in Privacy Work:
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
April, 2002
This lecture will bridge the sphere of privacy advocacy and its practical implementation in a networked, global and corporate world. Stephanie Perrin, Chief Privacy Officer of Zero-Knowledge Systems, will discuss the fundamental threat to privacy in a world that has said ‘yes’ to surveillance. She will then provide the audience with a first hand account of the pragmatics of being a CPO, and will discuss some of the problems CPOs face daily. Stephanie will finalize by describing her work on international standards, and the common privacy problems that are being felt worldwide.
Formerly the Director of Privacy Policy for Industry Canada's Electronic Commerce Task Force, Stephanie Perrin manages Zero-Knowledge's public affairs activities and acts as the company's primary liaison to government and non-governmental organizations.An internationally recognized expert in freedom of information and privacy issues, Stephanie was instrumental in developing Canada's privacy and cryptography policies for over fifteen years. For the past five years she led the legislative initiative at Industry Canada that resulted in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, the electronic commerce privacy legislation that received Royal Assent on April 13, 2000. She represented Canada internationally at the OECD Security and Privacy Committee and was responsible for developing domestic privacy policies in the context of new technologies, legislation, standards and public education.
In 2001 she received an Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award for her instrumental role in advancing the understanding and protection of privacy internationally and in Canada..